# Code the Proposal

You will need to write a proposal script that runs the contract, and possibly does additional things depending on your needs. (Usually these additional things will be dependent on a governance vote.) For example, gov-add-psm.js (opens new window) is a proposal Agoric created for the PSM contract. It executes in an environment with globals such as E and Far provided.

Show example proposal
/* global startPSM */
// @ts-nocheck

 * @typedef {{
 *   denom: string,
 *   keyword?: string,
 *   proposedName?: string,
 *   decimalPlaces?: number
 * }} AnchorOptions

/** @type {AnchorOptions} */
const DAI = {
  keyword: 'DAI',
  decimalPlaces: 18,
  denom: 'ibc/toydai',
  proposedName: 'Maker DAI',

const config = {
  options: { anchorOptions: DAI },
  WantMintedFeeBP: 1n,
  GiveMintedFeeBP: 3n,

/** @param {unknown} permittedPowers see gov-add-psm-permit.json */
const main = async permittedPowers => {
  console.log('starting PSM:', DAI);
  const {
    consume: { feeMintAccess: _, ...restC },
  } = permittedPowers;
  const noMinting = { consume: restC, ...restP };
  await Promise.all([
    startPSM.makeAnchorAsset(noMinting, {
      options: { anchorOptions: DAI },
    startPSM.startPSM(permittedPowers, config),
  console.log('started PSM:', config);

// "export" from script